OCWiC ACM-W Professional Chapter members come from different stages of their career, from different domains and with different needs and interests. Membership provides services of value and benefits for everyone. #OCWiC4Everyone
Membership is available with flexible requirements at each level, and the values of membership grow with your career.
Student members get a lot from membership: invitations to affiliated events, discounted registration, inclusion in the resume DB, connections with employers, newsletter subscription.
Student Membership is a key that unlocks the OCWiC ACMW Professional Chapter for you.
Dues / 2 years
$10, or attendance at a recent Celebration
Weekly Newsletter
Promotional materials
Community opportunities
View jobs in private LinkedIn group
Virtual job fair, as applicant
Submit resume to DB
Outreach Opportunities
Clubs & Activities
Events (calendar, webinars)
Discounts on partner events