Professional Members – OCWiC ACMW

OCWiC ACM-W Professional Chapter members come from different stages of their career, from different domains and with different needs and interests.  Membership provides services of value and benefits for everyone.  #OCWiC4Everyone

Membership is available with flexible requirements at each level, and the values of membership grow with your career.

Professional members are able to vote, in addition to all of the benefits of student membership.

Members at the professional level are the power and strength of the OCWiC ACMW Professional Chapter.

Build your professional network by using our private LinkedIn group, and presenting at the Celebration. Nominate yourself or your colleagues for leadership positions, and vote on issues that affect the Community. You get the OCWiC newsletter, plus ACMW Professional Chapter publications.


$50, or paid registration at recent Celebration, or listed in recent Celebration program


All Student Member Level Benefits, plus

+ Networking with regional chapter members

+ Mentoring

+ Nominate candidates for officer positions

+ Vote on officers, bylaws, etc.

PLUS, these ACM Chapter Member benefits*

  • email forwarding address
  • ACM’s Popular E-Newsletters –
  • TechNews, news in computing, 3x weekly
  • CareerNews, bi-monthly
  • MemberNet, monthlyCommunications of the ACM, 3 months free

* Please note Professional membership in an ACM Chapter is not a full ACM membership. Only full ACM members receive a complete subscription to the Communications of the ACM magazine, digital library, publication and conference registration discounts.